AddThis Smart Layers

19 February 2013

You can have whatever you like...

Ok ladies, now that we have established we all love to look good, let's admit, whether or not we actually ARE royalty, we do not have an unlimited amount of cash to drop on every single new-fangled thing the perpetually evolving world of fashion throws our way.  That being said, we damn sure don't want anyone else knowing that ;-) Enter Bag, Borrow or Steal: a website which allows you to "borrow" (rent) or steal (purchase second hand), all of the handbags and accessories you covet.  This consistently offers the latest runway styles and couture labels we all love, starting at around $100 a month, delivered to your home and, guaranteed 100% authentic.  They also sell gift certificates which I, for one, would be ECSTATIC to receive. Big job interview? No problem: BAM! Chanel. Snooty friend's wedding? Alexander McQueen her right in her snooty face.... you get the point.... Have fun you thrifty bitches :-)